making decisions?...
i can NEVER decide...i hope you never have to ask me to decide something..
making decisions is soo mesmorizing. the different things that could happen if you chose one thing and then the complete other side..what happens then?
i mean i cant sayy i'm super difficult..because alot of the time i'll just go with whatever..
but when it comes down to what i want to eat for dinner..or what machine i want to work out on..what color looks best. its a tough say the least.
i love interior passion in life.
Allll the decisions are so intense.
and i love it because when its something like designing. art. or minds so clear.
i know exactly what looks good where..i have no problem deciding which is best for the environment.surrounding.and you.
i might be contradicting myself in this..but thats the story of my life.
i'm confusing.
take a second thought..third..fourth..maybe fifth
before you decide to be part of it.
I deep think..alot.
bad and good.
i have a random stream of thoughts traveling through my head..constantly.
i've tried to stop it..building dams and such.
all destroyed by the consistancy of my damn mind.
^^i'm over it^^
i love when i discover things..or atleast when i think i do.
when i think of something before i know about it..i get pretty excited.
I can swear i was the one who thought of painting nails.
hah well i did discover that one.
anyways..other than making myself look bad out of thiss.
i hope you can relate.
The skill of relating to people is beneficial to the maxx.
i met this woman of the strongest i've ever met.
her husband had cheated on her. her daughter and her own family needed to move in with her. her water pipe just exploded. her car broke down...just to name a few i caught in her mass confession to me.
but after she opened up to me..even though i didnt know what exactly to say..i related.
I tried relating things that were happening in her life to myself..making me stronger as well as making her feel better.
after her spill was over..and after i'd stepped out of my salesman pride.
we related with eachother..and thats when you truely know a person.
obviously i have alot on my mind..things i cant seem to get out of my fingertips onto this keypad. life can be very hard sometimes.
not because bad things are happening. but because either good things arent or you werent completely prepared for what is happening.
I'm working in West Virginia right now.
this could be the time of my life..but i cant get past how good life was elsewhere.
if i can finally look passt my life in provo..rhode island..and even north carolina, i know that i'll love it here and find ways to make this life my own.
but its tough.
you know this.
This is my best friend.
probably one of the coolest people i know.
livin out in p town though..of course.
I need too..we all need to stop comparing our lives. if i think to much about how fun it used to be, or how much fun it still could be..i'll go nowhere in life
^^over it^^
I'm out here making a difference.
if i didnt meet some of the people i've met, their life might have ended up differently.
and thats what keeps me going. I dont look at my job as just selling someone.
thiss is how it is.
if i dont hook this person up with the future they could get robbed, or killed.
so by giving this to them now, i could in a distant way be saving someones life and helping protect them...
and if i hadnt come out here, some of these families i protected could have been hurt.
this makes me wonder what else kind of difference i can make.
we can all make a difference.
every person we come in contact with..we can change their life.course.path.
just by leaving a lasting impression.
these are just a few of my daily thoughts.
i'll stop now, before you hear them all. :)